Adventures Elite

2006…I am going to find a moment at some point to talk about the miracles, the travels, the ups and downs….that will be my next blog entry…

But, until then, may I entice you to think about your own year. What all it brought to you, your family, what all came true for you…And then, perhaps, you’ll be feeling, like me, very grateful for all the goodness that swirls around us, from small to great.
We are so blessed, even in our misfortunes.

That’s why I’d like to talk about Brian Rumbaugh, a great friend of mine, who, several years ago, started a group called Adventures Elite. It services the developmentally disabled adult community, providing travel opportunities tailor made to their needs and wishes. Unfortunately, grants are difficult to come by and the company is surviving on the minimal fees it’s clients pay and the generosity of private donors. As you all consider your year-end donations before tax season, please keep Adventures Elite in mind. Whatever you are able to give will be utilized to the fullest extent in bringing happiness to those in our community who are often overlooked.

You can send a check directly to Brian at:

Adventures Elite
840 Pearl Street Suite C, Santa Monica, 90405

Or, feel free to call him at 310-399-2316. He’d love to talk with you about the group…You could even get involved! Lily and I went about four years ago, and Lily was only 6 when she provided seva by setting the table for 100 folks, creating art with some of the adults, even helping me in the swimming pool area by pointing out who needed sunscreen so no one would get sunburned. There was a dance and a sing-a-long (I think you know who was strumming the guitar and playing the Pied Piper!)
Maybe you have some vacation time coming up, and you want to do something of spirit that will create great heartsongs for you and others…This is the place, my friends!

If you need convincing, I encourage you to check out the website : http://www.Adventureselite. org.

There are great photos from summer camp amongst giant redwoods; a trip for four adults that Brian and his wife, Stacy, put together in Oahu!, and many other happy moments.

Thanks so much for all of you reading my blog. I am always grateful that the internet can make the world a smaller, more personal community.

Happy December 6!

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