Big Red Sun

Pancakes. Sausage. Bacon. The sun just peeking over the walls onto the flowering plumeria and the metallic stage area.

Kids in yellow. Parents in yellow. Friends. Family. Singing. Dancing. Mac, volunteering to hold the cue cards for “iolana”, blushing when I ask him to dance to make his wife proud. Christi in a yellow skirt. Me in my googly, jesterfied sun-kissed bell-o, jello, yellow jingling hat. Lance in his Charlie Brown yellow shirt, complete with wiggly, jaunty line around his chest.

Big Love to Big Red Sun for the first Saturday Sing-a-long with Sara Pancake Breakfast Big Red Fun! Today’s theme: yellow.

Next week: BLUE! Bring something blue, dress in blue: we will have BLUE BELINSKYs to drink! (Smoothies for those of you not in the know. )

I’ll add a pic from this morning’s lovearama later…

Happy Saturday, world!

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