Ellen, I’m Off to Alaska…

Lily says to me the other day (and, mind you, she’s only 9)…she leans over and says,

“When I have a husband, he will have humility, and he will respect my temple…” and then she sits back in her chair, calm as a sky without clouds.
As if nothing was said. We both stared straight ahead. Then, as I leaned over, I said, “Your temple? Wow.”

She says, “You know, all of me.”

I had to smile.

I was in a ZOMBIE movie last Wednesday night with Joe Ely, Jimmy LaFave, Michael Fracasso…I have never thought I would look good with green skin and dark circles under my eyes, but it took a small part as a rock-n-roll zombie queen to make me truly believe it. Michael Fracasso just can’t look bad. He was the squeaky zombie! Joe Ely was like the guru zombie. And Jimmy LaFave was the Zombie in the cap. I wore a skirt, cuz you never see zombies in skirts! I wanted to bring a little femininity to my role, you know.

I woke up the other morning and my 5 year old, io, and her friend Ava, were chatting…here is what I overheard as I laid in bed, head on my pillow, the sun peeking through the shades….

Ava (very matter of factly): “My grand-dad and my Aunt Didi are dead.”

io (just as matter of fact): “My grandpa is dead…and he didn’t have LEGS.”

And then off they went, exploring, quite openly, who would die next and how grandmas have to move close because they are going to pass on so they better move now. They must have talked about death for about twenty minutes! It was a fascinating way to wake up.

The CD release at Rutumaya was so much fun! All the moms from the kindegarten class came…and sat on the first three rows!!!!…and they gave me a silver box with a circle on a chain…the circle has pink diamonds on the outer edge, and on the flat side of the circle it reads DREAM DREAM DREAM all the way around. Everyone had fun. I was channeling Antonio Banderas. He’s a very funny man.

Went to Big Red Sun that morning, but the kids show was canceled, due to rain. So I gathered up all the bags of food and went down to the homeless
facility on the corner, and my friend Jimmy Joe and I asked if we could stay to sing over coffee…Which we did….and it was a loving way to start the day. I met a little man named Willie, musta been 80 or so. He had the best smile. He clapped along while we played our guitars.

The Waterloo in-store was mucho fun. What can I say. I got to make live music in a RECORD STORE! How funny is that. And John Kunz rocks. And so does Liz. And Kathy. And Snoozin. And NIcole, Chelle, Winker, the man who looked like a Merman, Charles from San Marcos, Chris, the band, the employees, the parking meters, the streets of Austin, the state of Texas, the U.S., the Americas, the waves of the ocean, Asia, the whole world. Everything was rocking and I’m sticking with that.

Went to Camp Star Trails to sing for children with cancer. This place is so moving…my third year in a row to attend…many of the kids get to come with their siblings, so they can be together for horse back riding, rock climbing, music, art, campfires….This year, Lily was my assistant, and when she sang “Look at Me”, all the nine year old boys wanted her autograph. Some wanted pictures with her. Lily is so calm. Really. She and io are my gurus, I swear. They teach me so much. Lily was giving me great suggestions when we were informed one of the break out classes would only be boys…I was in a bit of a sweat, but she said, “Oh…let’s try this…they’ll love it!” and wow. She was right. Super heroes are SO IN!

io is now six since i started this entry! She had a roller skating party yesterday. I forgot how hard it is to Hokey Pokey on skates!

The Arcadia has burned down in Dallas. That is a memory that takes me to another place and time, and I am really sad the building is gone.
I did a VH-1 taping with Pierce Pettis, John Gorka and Cliff Eberhardt there, when we were all on the Windham Hill compilation cd together…I had
my super big band show, complete with a ball and chain…I sang for an ABC news segment, just me and my guitar…that big old hall, ringing true..
I remember seeing Pat Methany on a date there….I remember back when Polyphonic Spree’s founder (Tim) had an Egyptian band and we were all downstairs awestruck at his headpiece….I was getting ready to go up and sing for Ninja Box Office…and I met Lisa McCree and so many other wonderful folks at my shows there….Goodbye, Arcadia…there will never be another like you (or TANGO….anyone remember that place?)
Or the old Poor David’s?

Gave both the girls haircuts. Think short. Think Pixie. Think dynamic!

Off to Alaska for ten days. Playing in Ketchikan.

The MOTHERLODE has arrived….we are working beyond hard. Bare with me as I get behind and try to catch up.

All is good. I hope it is good with you, too…..and, yes, Ellen, I am speaking to you, too! Good all around. Good is good, yes, indeed.


2 Comments on “Ellen, I’m Off to Alaska…”

  • DeAnna


    Hey, Sara, loved the article on you in Saturday’s Statesman! You looked great, the article was great, and they were generous with their space, too. We were standing in our public library when I saw it- and squealed, “OMG! It’s SARA!” Laurisa told the guy at the desk, “You folks really need to have her come back…” & we both went on to tell him how great GROWNUP Sara music is and left with him promising to check out the website to order MOTHERLODE. We rushed right out from there to find a paper & read the whole article. <sigh> We do love you, Sara- you give me hope and I need some of that right now!


  • andy-dog


    “Bare with you”???? Really?? I am getting too old and wrinkled for that kind of stuff.
    But I still like the idea!!
    Best of fun in your Alaska travels. a-dog

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