From the Sara Hickman Yahoo chat group…

Hi All…

I copied what I wrote this morning to share here. This is Roger Osborn, great guy and family man, not Roger my brain. Just wanted to clarify which
Roger I was speaking to! (For those who are just joining/peeking in on this blog, I have had correspondence with my brain, named Roger, in the past.)

Sending love,

Hey, Roger!

That is so AWESOME! It makes me think…what if we had all had pen pals in other countries that we could introduce to my music? That would be lovely!
I remember my first overseas fan, a person from Japan (I never could figure out if it was a young lady or young man!) He/She and I wrote for about 16 years! And this was back before email, so it was always exciting because we also exchanged gifts on many occassions. It was fun to send my music or posters or special things (one of a kind hand painted tee shirts, etc) and he/she would send me books, hand drawn posters, Japanese toys (this is how I learned about Kerokerokeroppi, whom I still love very much.)

So, thank you, Roger, for letting someone in Bulgaria know about my music!
That is very exciting!

While I’m in here, let me update you all on a few things.

First, I’m sad to announce it is getting increasingly harder for me to keep up with email and get back to everyone. I apologize for this, in that I’ve always tried to respond to letters/emails, but it has gotten to the point where I simply can’t. Please know that I want to , always, always, but the reality is between family, travel, work, and attempting to stay creative with time to play/create, it is overwhelming.

Second, I stood on stage at the Morton Meyerson (Dallas, TX) on Tuesday night after the Dallas Wind Symphony performed. This is the amazing group that I will be singing with on February 10th at the Meyerson!!!! If you haven’t been to the Meyerson before, it is stellar. Very much the warmth and acoustics of Carnegie Hall, but the building was designed by I.M. Pei,
so it is modern in feel and look. Lots of gorgeous woods, stone and interior colors that feel natural. I’m very honored to be a part of this event with the DWS.

And then on Valentine’s, I will be with the DWS, again, for their Sweetheart Swing, in which I will be singing many songs while people dance, enjoy yummy food, and everyone sparkles in the love and festivities! This will be at the History of Flight Museum, also in Dallas.

Lastly, I had a wonderful time in New York City this weekened, with my dear friend, Amiti. There was snow! And walking around the streets of NYC is one of my favorite things to do…the vendors, the smells, the sights and sounds. So much energy, so much life! I enjoyed performing at APAP, a convention for national presenters, and then Amiti and I drove up to Pawling, NY, where I sang at the Town Crier. Phil, the owner, couldn’t have been more enthusiastic about my return (last time I sang there it was 1994, and it was when Domestic Science and I were on tour together! Gosh!
I couldn’t believe how long it had been…Deni Bonet was on that tour with me, too, playing fiddle and singing background vocals!) Mary and Nancy came out, as well as many other fabulous folks. I hope it won’t be 15 years before I return!!!!!

So, thank you, each of you, for reading and supporting my music/art.
I am wishing all of you a creative, happy, joy filled 2009, and my heart is behind the Obama administration. I feel so good about how active and forthright he has been as president-elect. I just know that things are going to change for the better, not just for the United States, but for our overall moral, for the world and for the human spirit!


> I thought you might find this interesting. In the last
> couple of days I’ve been communicating with a person on
> a music-trading website. As a post-script to one of his
> emails he asked “who is this Sara person of whom (I) am
> such a fan” (my user name is “SaraFan” and
> I’ve used the Sleeveless logo as my avatar on that
> site). So I gave him brief run-down of the lovely and
> talented Ms. Sara Hickman complete with the web address so
> he could see for himself. He was so intrigued that he
> promised to check it out right away. So, Sara, if you
> happen to notice any orders or other activity from BULGARIA,
> you’ll know why!
> Roger

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