I am grateful

KLRU came to visit today and filmed me talking about what I am grateful for…And this is what came to mind:

I am grateful for these aspects of my life,
As a mother, friend, lover, wife:
I ‘m grateful for
My community,
For My friends and for my family:

For the postal workers, who bring my mail
For Carl Anderson sharing Santa’s Christmas tale
For Liz Carpenter and Cactus Pryor
For Las Manitas and the orange of the UT Tower
For Femme FM and the Pumpkin Patch
For Barton Springs and the Soup Peddler’s
Latest batch
For KUT and John Aielli
For KGSR and their support of our Lone Stars
For the teachers giving
On such low pay
For them I’m grateful
They don’t go away!

For my funky, fun tattoo
(Which, right now, I can not share with you)

I’m grateful for House the Homeless, who
Help the homeless in times of danger
Mobile Loaves and Fishes
Who feed the strangers
For churches and temples and mosques
And love
And telephones and cars and stars above
For my dog and cats and crickets and snakes
For the leaves that fall, and whoever invented the rake
For my two children
Who totally have it going on
They keep me laughing with their vibant songs

I’m so deeply grateful: For this chance to be alive
For music, for dance, for the love that thrives
In my home and in my neighborhood
And to my husband, who keeps it good!
I’m grateful to KLRU for visiting me
And this Thanksgiving opportunity
(I promise to pledge next pledge drive, you’ll see)

So blessings to all of us
Who keep this city true
There’s no place like Austin
And I love you

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