I’m Riding in the AIDS Ride on My BIKE!!!

Dear Friends and Family,

Well, I’ve done it! I have accepted the challenge and am participating in the Hill Country Ride for AIDS on April 28, 2007. I am helping to provide life-saving support to thousands of people living with HIV and AIDS through the excellent work of 10 local AIDS services organizations in the Greater Austin area.

I am eager to get started and I need your support! I have pledged to raise money for Hill Country Ride for AIDS. Your contribution will help me reach my goal and others in our community. It is so easy to support this great cause – you can make a donation online by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message. Whatever you can give will help! I truly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress. I will ride the entire 60 miles. YEA!

Thank you for your support cuz YOUR love will get me across that finish line!


Click here to visit my personal page.

One Comment “I’m Riding in the AIDS Ride on My BIKE!!!”

  • andy-dog


    60 miles thru the Hill Country???
    Hah! Time to start training…does CURVES have a spinning class?
    We will cough up some support for this…
    hope you have a decent BIKE
    Better start TRAINING NOW

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