Lily is 12 today! I’m off to Canada! I cut my hair short! We looked at our great grandfather’s…

steel penny collection and looked up value/dates of pennies on line (me, Lily and iolana), we went with the Tagels to a private
clear water swimming hole yesterday, I had great shows in Florida, I love WMNF, I met with a terrific woman for the Ex. Dir
position of Super Pal Universe….I am now on the Austin Music Commission, the Carr family had their baby last night!…I have to drive to the airport!
RIght now! smile

Hooray for Lily! I printed out a journal I started before she was born and kept for years and years and made a couple of books
for her to enjoy about her life so far! Sing happy birthday to her wherever you are! And happy birthday to iolana (June 22)
and to Lance (Sept 14) and to you today if it is your birthday, too!

Peace out, y’all!

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