My song, THE ONE, is being entered in a Dutch radio contest!!!


I enter your song for this week contest

trhe winnen of last week was also a sing of mine Jimmy LaFave Cafe in the rain

Look at this site in the next couple of day maybe your song is one of the choosen 7 and you van vote for yourself LOL

Looking at the video I had the seem feeling last year at the Woody Guthrie Festival specialy what happen last week in Germany

Looking forward to see you again somewhere in the near future


This is a piece from the story I wrote about the W G F in Okemah:

Als eerste trad Sarah Hickman op. Ze vertelde over waarom ze een bepaald liedje had geschreven(heb helaas geen titel) Het liedje gaat over de moeder van de schutter op Viginia Tech High School waar meerdere scholieren zijn doodgeschoten. Ze was zo gemotioneerd dat er tranen in haar ogen stonden. De moraal van het liedje was: wat zal jij doen/voelen als jij de moeder van de schutter was geweest. Het mooie van dit soort festivals is dat je hier een andere mening hoort dan van de gemiddelde Amerikaan of wat je op de tv hoort.

Quick translation:
When I last saw Sara Hickman, she talked about why she had written a song (I unfortunately don’t know the title) about the mother of the shooter at Virginia Tech, where several students were shot dead. She was so emotional that there were tears in her eyes. The moral of the song was: what will you do / feel like you’re the mother of the shooter. The beauty of such music festivals is that you hear a different opinion than the average American or what you hear on TV.

2 Comments on “My song, THE ONE, is being entered in a Dutch radio contest!!!”

  • I first heard “The One” as part of the concert on the new Live-DVD-release. A good performance, but really impressed I was of the studio-version in the bonus-part of it! There wasn’t a clear harmonic singing, instead a broken, stammering voice in despair and shock to be heard. Must have been hard to go so deep into imaginationing yourself into this mother. It sounded like you’d brought yourself to tears on it… / Me myself was also shocked a little bit longer after switching to the next clip and hearing a Texas tourism commercial. Maybe mentioning first the two massacres in Texas (one in Austin by a sniper in 1966!) would have made it easier to come down. Am I cynical? NO! / Another favourite of mine of your new songs is, in a real ecstatic impression, “Are We Ever Gonna Have SEX Again?”. This time not the album version but the live acoustic performance in the video-clip at YouTube, with this marvellous Go-Go-dancer in the back! Was it him or the unknown number of beer that gave you the extra kick? So, if you’re not planing a new record for adults in the next time: how about a compilation after your first twenty years in recording albums to put them there in? // When I checked your discography I found a record of you called “One Flower To The Left”. I came across to probably buy it as I saw this little comment “…no longer available.” A little sadistic to get a chance to hear 30 seconds of each song and not be able to spend the hard worked money in buying this plastic flower. What irritates me on it: it was released in the year 2000 and sold out in a few months. So, why shouldn’t there be an opportunity for a re-release after 10 years? Being pragmatic I looked on the eBay-auctions worldwide to see, if I could get it there. No chance at the moment! But I saw an old LP-record from you announced by a record shop in Dallas. It had a long introduced handwritten autogram of you on it. I asked the seller: “What has she written so long on the cover?” He told me and published it later on the site for all: “TO LISA” AN OFFICIAL SISTER OF MINE! THANK YOU FOR LISTENING LOVE YOU– SARA”. So, has Sara Hickman a sister she ironically called “official” sister or is it a Texan term for one of the best friends you have? For those about to see: it is published as eBay-article “310126503230“ at this moment, but already sold!

  • Marie


    I don’t usually comment on any blogs I read, but I am a HUGE fan and just wanted to thank you for the great music and the great read. Best best wishes for future happiness and success.

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