On Behalf of Philip Workman—Send A Pizza

Hello, All

As you might know last night TN executed Philip Workman despite his claims of innocence. For his last meal on earth, Philip Workman requested that a vegetable pizza be delivered to Nashville’s homeless shelter. The Department of Corrections refused saying they were too focused on the execution procedures. But hundreds of normal people have stepped in and hundreds of pizzas were served last night to Nashville’s homeless community in Philip Workman’s name.



I am collecting money to send some veggie pizza’s to the Austin Homeless shelter (hopefully by sometime this weekend) in Workman’s name. Please let me know if you are interested to pitch in as little as few dollars.

I think we can generate some media coverage through this and also bring attention to the human side of the death-row inmates. However if you can please contact all your friends and collect their donations. then I will put them all together and order Pizza’s to be sent to the Austin Shelter. We can also add some death penalty literature to the Pizza orders. I don’t know how much money we can get however I am going for a few hundred dollars. If you don’t live in Austin and want to send a check please let me know and I will give you my address. you can also donate some money by credit card just by going to TSADP’s website. Please just email me and let me know so I know that the money is for the Pizzas.



Hooman Hedayati

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