Thoughtful in Seattle

Hey Sara,

You may get lots of feedback from people about how your music reaches people and touches their lives in special ways. This one doesn’t involve one of your songs, but you’ll get the idea.

About two years ago, a spry elderly lady came in to donate platelets at our blood center. I took her through the whole donation process which took about two hours for that procedure. We finished up and she went on her way to have some lunch.

An hour or two later she showed up again. I was worried that something was wrong, maybe I’d bruised her arm with the needle stick or something. She said she’d gone to lunch and come back because she wanted to thank me. I had no clue what she was talking about though. Apparently during a donation of hers several years earlier her husband had been seriously ill at that time and we’d gotten to talking. She’d appreciated that I’d listened for a bit while she’d talked about his situation and the good and bad times they’d been through. What floored me was she said she’d remembered who I was when she paid for her lunch because she’d ask me to jot something down for her that I’d said during that previous conversation. Then she pulled a note from her purse, in my handwriting, dated from five years earlier:

“Some of it’s magic, some of it’s tragic
But it’s been a good life all the way.”- Jimmy Buffett

I can’t help but think that he’d be tickled that there’s a seventy-something year old lady out there who’s never heard any of his songs deriving some comfort from a lyric fragment passed along by someone in an off the cuff quote.

Like ripples in the pond, eh?


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