
Played a private backyard party today for a lovely, lovely family, but the rain came down and there were swimming pools, slip-n-slides and snacks to compete with and so I did my best considering I’ve been playing indoors in libraries with no mosquitos or bathing suits! The family was so nice: they gave me a bonus! That’s twice this week someone gave me a bonus, as if to say, “I appreciate how hard you’re trying! Great job!” It made me feel better, cuz I wanted to have those kids clapping and singing along…there were just too many distractions. Of course, I blame myself…but my husband said I did fine.
Why is it artists beat themselves up so?

We just finished reading the comics. Every Sunday, our family reads the comics together before bedtime. I would say it has become a tradition, actually!
We love it…laughing and giggling over the funnies; scratching our heads over the ones that make NO sense. My favorite is MUTTS. I just think it is a beautiful, thoughtful, sweet and comical comic. When we get to that one, which is near the end, someone always exclaims, “MUTTTTSSS!”

Off to spend quiet time with Lance. Goodnight, sleep tight…don’t let the bed bugs bite…sweet dreams….no schemes…until we meet aaaaaa-gain!

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