Zippity ZAPPITY song/Giant Stained Glass Cross for Church


….because so many people have been emailing us and asking about this song I did for the Texas Department of Tourism, here it is…
a direct link! Have fun! Get zippity…zappity!

Yes, that really is me singing…and Marty (Lester) and Danny (Levin) did the music!

I’m so excited because today many things started becoming reality:

I met today with Jim (stained glass maker) and with Mark (lighting guru and frame designer and proud papa of Riff/Evan from
Super Pal Universe!) to start talking about the creation of a 9 foot stained glass cross I designed for First United Methodist Church
to place in the chapel!!!!

And Marty and I are shipping out the DVD to Gene and it will be sewn up and sent out from his magical hands
to all the folks who have pre-ordered!

And Friday, I meet with Mike Henry to discuss the lay out of the documentary I’ve been filming for over a year of
the “Music For Life” events….Dave Tatge has come on board as the executive producer and I am really, really
excited to be making a film…We are submitting it to SXSW!

And…..Docu-Bloggers is under way, a 9 minute piece on Super Pal Universe…
we are giving it to PBS for their series of the same name…thanks to Matt at Make Media for working on this…
it’s going to be fantastic!

And…Paul Gandersman is finishing up the graphics on the Super Pal Universe pilot which will then be going
to sound for finishing…!

And Gene did this today!!!!

And, lastly, I just froze a wart off my daughter’s foot….you can buy the same stuff doctor’s use and use it at
home! That was amazing! And then we were giggling and she was acting like she was the weird little creature
from “Lord of the Rings” and telling me about her “prec-ious, my prec-ious” in reference to her wart!

And it is almost Emmaline’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Emmaline!

And Halloween is coming and I am going to be a giant pineapple!

And Lance is sick! Say something positive out to the universe/say a prayer that he will feel better soon!

And io made trophies to hand out at our Halloween party!

And Saturday I’ll be in Padre Island with Willle Nelson and Grupo Fantasma making music for kids
and big people!

And then Sunday I’ll be back in Austin for the Texas Book Festival!

And then I’m going to lay down in the front yard and smile and thank God and think about the
orchestra in Idaho Falls and all the stuff that can happen in a week when you put one foot
in front of the other and just keep believing, no matter what!

Oh, and I visited the Khabele school yesterday…what a really lovely place it is.

And, now. Sleep.
Sleep well anyone reading this. Sleep deep and peacefully and
May you wake up to live your dreams, too.


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