Fun Way to Help CARE COMMUNITIES/Austin Capital Area Food Bank!

Hey, All!

I know everyone is probably already helping a variety of charities
due to the problems with the economy and so many groups needed
additional assistance this year….BUT…if you are looking for
a fun way you and your kids/family can help, please check this out:

Care Communities has a Christmas tree decorated at the South Austin Lacks contest…The tree that gets the most canned/boxed food goods under it’s tree by December will win a cash prize from Lacks, and the foodstuffs gathered from under all the trees on display will ALL go to Capital Area Foodbank.

This year, there are only THREE trees competing, so Care Communities has a great chance of winning…if you can help, please visit the tree and put your canned goods underneath!

The Lacks is behind Furrs Cafeteria at South Lamar and Ben White (near the Target).

Thank you!

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