Wylie House Concert Review

Trying to describe Sara to someone who hasn’t heard her is a daunting task. Those who have only seen her on late night TV perhaps have a clue, but a live show such as on the Kerrville stage goes much farther. But best of all is Sara up close in the intimacy and freedom of a living room. I think that’s where her wonderful magic is at it’s very best.

She has musical dynamics in spades, with a perfect balance of content and artistry. Energy? Look up the definition of “energy” in your dictionary and you should see a photo of Sara! Besides being an incredible writer, vocalist, and guitarist, her good humor and audience interaction are the ultimate and they often leave me a bit giddy. (If you want a small sense of that while sitting at your computer, go to her website and watch “Palin’ by Comparison.”)

I can’t think of another performer who epitomizes so many good things as this lady, both in her talent and how she shares it. I have long been convinced that Sara Hickman does more good things for people on a typical weekend than I will do in a lifetime.

Tom Noe
Wylie House Concert

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