Reality, Humor and the woes of Music Management? THIS WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH as you wince!

The Turtles had some of the biggest hits of the 1960’s and like many 60’s pop stars, didn’t see much of the money.

Here’s a 3 minute 40 second explanation by Flo and Eddie of how the group went through 6 managers in the course of about 4 years.

This should be required viewing by any musician thinking about signing a management contract.

Cut and paste if you gotta…it’s pretty funny…and there are visual aids to help tell the story.

3 Comments on “Reality, Humor and the woes of Music Management? THIS WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH as you wince!”

  • i saw the phlourescent leech and eddie open for “ALICE”
    (Cooper, not Coltrane) in 1973)


  • Hi there ! Been a while since I connected with you!
    Married life has been fun, and I loved your tick story…i’ve been lucky not to have one but I remember my brother getting one and the lump in his arm.
    I have enjoyed motherlode…some wonderful songs-many thanks again.

    I am also very blessed and lucky to have survived a heart attack lasy Oct- I bought your CD to cheer me up and listened to it endlessly when recouperatin. Thankfully 3 stents later I am back at work teaching my babies (well 16-18 yr olds) and happy and healthy. I am doing all I can to be healthy. Having a heart attack at 42 was not good, and so many women die from heart disease as they are often misdiagnosed. Had I not been at the Hospital when my HA hit I would not listening to the Beautiful music you make anymore..So I thank God and all my family and friends, and of course Mark my darling husband.
    All is now good.
    I will ask as I always do- time for a visit to Sydney Australia Sara…come on..the kids would love it here too….grin)))

  • Erik


    Too funny!! Will be sure to pass the link on to my band mates!


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