AUSTIN CITY LIMITS Festival: Update from Today’s Performance!

Got to the stage at 9:00 am…parking was a breeze with the artist’s pass. Everyone so together.
Soundchecked and the kids were looking snazzy…Erin made their clothes and they were FANTASTIC!
Buffy came and did their makeup…they looked colorful!
Ado ran sound…monster sound!
James brought all the gear and got the kids hooked up right!
Lilly (from Pink) came over and after hugs fixed my hair so cute, then proceeded to give my Lily pink hair and io glitter braids! Fun!

Tor made the production unbelievably fantastic by getting ACL to bring in a REAL stage with real gear and an entire alley set up to
kids fun activities, the Paul Green School of Rock (man, are they awesome! Like having Zeppelin down the hallway!), and met Ryan
from the Bummkin Band…nice, cute, tall, great hat and heart! Looking forward to knowing him better…more children’s music…hooray!
Super nice crowd…I hope I didn’t scare any of the parents with teeny tiny ones, but started out with “iolana’….had a dad come up on stage
to hold the cue cards…
Then brought up the Super Pal Universe and we laid into my new song, “You and Me” which crunches hard!
Then a swing/rock version of “Red Wagon”
then I handed the stage over to the kids…they did the Super Pal Theme Song that they wrote (which is so so so so superb!)
and ended with Nadia’s “Love Comes in Colors”…catchy catchy catchy!

io, lily and lance were all in attendance, oh, how awesome!
Lance’s birthday, gave a shout out to my man!
Lily filmed the day…I hired her to be our kid vid filmmaker for the day…she did a great piece cuz I saw the footage later…talking about how she was going to set up shots before she took them..such a PRO!!!
…she was
so into it!
Super Pal Universe rocked, so solid, and only after a few months together…
You can go to AUSTIN CITY LIMITS FESTIVAL’S website and scroll through today’s pictures and there is one of Nadia/Julie smiling out at you…you can’t miss it! They are stars!
They totally rocked…I felt like a proud mama hen.

Came home, hung out with the kids, checked some email, finished watching “West Side Story” with the girls (of course we love “Officer Kruepke”)
and then we all piled into the van, with our friend, Devin, and went and saw Bjork.

We got carted down to her backstage area and made it in with 100 other people for the opportunity to be on stage with Bjork, but after the first 50 made it, they cut off the
rest of us, so took the girls out into the 55,000 zillion people out front…another security guard was nice and tried to get me set up, but it backfired, too, but we finally found a cool spot to hang and watch Bjork’s set.
Hmm. Wasn’t as fierey as we had all hoped..Although she did do “An Army of Me” and the lasers were cool. God bless Jumbotrons! And we’d brought our chairs.

Caught a few minutes of the Killers. Ended up with friends from Lily’s school and headed to the artist’s tents. Met Mae-Mae Stiles who proceeded to give us some of her amazing, one of a kind jewelry
and she should be designing for Hillary (Clinton AND Swank). She was an angel in the midst of the dust and fatigue.

Got the kids home…had loaded the van with pillows, but they giggled with their heads comfy all the way through the crazy traffic.

Such a well run festival. Thanks to all the people who worked so hard to put it together. Really amazing to be a part of it!

One Comment “AUSTIN CITY LIMITS Festival: Update from Today’s Performance!”

  • David


    Happy Birthday, Lance!

    You Rock, Sara!!

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