Awesome day today

Terri Hendrix just agreed to be a part of our “Music For LIfe” finale here in Austin at Antone’s!
I’m so happy! We’ll have Kinky Friedman, Terri, me and Mayor John Cook (El Paso) as entertainment,
and I hope we can get one of the innocent men just freed from death row as one of the speakers.

Went to Austin Voices and had a terrific meeting with them about their work on behalf of Super Pal Universe. They were one of the winners of
our first C4C Fundation (Change 4 Change) grants back in the fall. Austin Voices works with Austin youth, empowering them to create their own
merchandise and learn business skills. They created SPU recycled, hand stenciled tee shirts and pins to wear, and Alice Geaccone, a young lady who
has been a part of their team since she was a teen and is just getting ready to go to college, helped mentor other youth at Garza High School and
brought out some awesome teens to SXSW to promote SPU by giving away the merchandise.

My brakes had gone out Monday while I was driving home (thankfully no one was hurt cuz I was having to roll
through stop signs to get home!), and I got my car back today. It is ship-shape now! Good ol’ Martha! Thanks to B & B Auto Mechanics
on South Lamar! Ask for Mike or Earl and tell ’em Sara sentcha!

Went to Theatre Camp to watch io practice her role in “The Music Man” because I’ll be in OK during their Friday night performance. Lance is going
to film io and Lily, who both ended up with the same part, so they’ve been practicing similar lines and learning the same songs! That’s pretty funny.
(Two different productions…one for the younger set, one for the older set.) So, today, all the kids were in their costumes singing “Gary, Indiana”
and it was making me beam with happiness, watching io pour herself into her part, singing her sweet heart out.

Then she and I had lunch with her friends, and we had some puppets so I talked in a silly voice and we all had some chuckles.

Then I talked with Johnny Goudie on the phone and he and I are going to work on my next album together! I am SO PSYCHED!!!
He calls me, I call him, we are laughing and we are happy and it will be a rockin’ project! PLUS! He LOVES Super Pal Universe
and really wants to help mentor them in songwriting. He went last night and jammed with them, and went to his THIRD library
show to check them out live. So, I think they are going to start writing some new material. I am getting excited about their pilot—
it is all filmed (missing two short segments)—and I went to the first edit last Friday. Saw the beginnings of some REALLY COOL
animation of the kids and laughed with glee over the funny parts. Did I mention there is a dancing polar bear? (While I’m talking
about SPU, I want to give a shout out to Joe McDermott who has been an unbelievable help, too, on a number of levels with the kids,
coming to numerous rehearsals and library shows and helping to record “DMWT”; and Wendy Colonna came out last week and
worked with them. They finished out a bridge on “Shrewd Eyes,” one of their songs that is really, really, I mean SUPER REALLY
catchy and I can already hear on the radio…SPU wrote it and was just needing some time and a little push to finish the missing bridge…)

And it looks like I am going to have a video, “Always a Saint”, showing in all 585 Chuck E. Cheese locations! And a possibility to film
a kid’s song for January! I’m hoping to get SPU involved, too. Keep your fingers crossed! smile

Last night I was at the Cactus Cafe with Jenny Reynolds (so incredibly nice and I love the timbre of her voice), Betty Soo (who drew a
self-portrait on my arm with a sharpie! Ahhh!), Michael Fracasso (ok, who doesn’t love Michael?) and Colin Gilmore (I drew a portrait
of his fist on his wrist with another fist inside the first fist…tongue twister, huh?)…We all sang Williams Songs—Hank and Lucinda—
I sang “Essence” and “Never Get Out Of This World Alive” and played my old electric Guild on a tiny amp with a delay setting.
You know what, I liked singing those sad, moody songs. I really enjoyed listening to everyone sing their renditions, and just
getting to relax and have some O.J. while listening to live music with great sound was true pleasure. Plus, it was even better
because Joe and Louise McDermott showed up and Cat gave me a big hug when I came and sat down, and Dave Oberman
was there and Chris, the bartender, gives the BEST BEAR HUGS in Austin and everyone was in a super mood. And it was
a free night of music! Thank you, Jenny, for putting this event together!

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