Merry Christmas To All

I pray to be more peaceful in 2007
I pray my peacefulness will extend to my family
I pray my family will extend their own peace to friends
I pray friends will extend their peace to co-workers
I pray co-workers will extend peace up into the corporate world
I pray the corporate world will extend peace into the places they have not
I pray that the governments will follow suit, and extend peace onto their constituents
I pray that the laws of people are flooded with the peace of the heart
I pray that every one feels the peace extended through the change of heart
I pray that the change of heart becomes the cord that connects us all
To the peace that is prayed for
And the cycle of peace becomes the breath
Of in and out
of Everyone

Merry Christmas, 2006, to anyone out there listening, and praying for peace, too.

You are not alone.

One Comment “Merry Christmas To All”

  • andy-dog


    It seems incredible that so many want peace and yet there is still so much hate and violence present in the world. There is no doubt that we can change the world if enough of us want to.
    Pray for peace. Pray for peace. Om, Amen, Namaste’

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