
Sara’s highly eclectic and very enjoyable album of songs that, well, just don’t wanna fit anywhere else! For true Sara fans, and those that just love great music. Or those that enjoy a good romp. Every song on Misfits is a gem: “Strong Woman” and “Dumptruck” are femme fatale favorites. “Nobody Goes to the Moon” is wonderful, and “Radiation Man” is worth the price of the CD all by itself! Also includes a very fast, very 8-year old Sara Hickman rendition of “Grandma’s Featherbed.”

Track Listing

  2. STRONG WOMAN Lyrics by Sara Hickman, music by Sara Hickman and Mark Goldenberg
  3. DUMPTRUCK by Sara Hickman and Marvin Etzioni
  4. SECRETS OF LOVE II Lyrics by Sara Hickman, music by Sara Hickman and Brad McLemore
  5. BABY, IT'S COLD OUTSIDE by Frank Loessor
  8. SATIN SHEETS FOR ALICE by Sara Hickman
  9. ROSIE'S THEME by Sara Hickman
  10. LET ME TAKE YOUR PICTURE by Sara Hickman
  11. HEY! WHERE YOU GOIN'? by Sara Hickman
  12. GRANDMA'S FEATHERBED by James Norman Connor
  13. FALSE PRETENSES by Colin Boyd and Sara Hickman
  15. ZIPPITY DOO-DAH by Ray Gilbert and Allie Wruble
  16. I THINK I LOVE YOU by Anthony J. Romeo
  17. TAKE ME WITH YOU by Sara Hickman and David Batteau
  18. ROMANIA by Sara Hickman
  19. LIKE A COLLAR ON A DOG by Sara Hickman
  20. RADIATION MAN by Sara Hickman

Sara Hickman - Producer, drum programming, Executive Producer, Photography
Josh Alan - Producer
Angelo Badalamenti - Producer
Marvin Etzioni - Producer
Paul Fox - Producer
Marty Lester - Engineer, Mixing
Terry Slemmons - Engineer
Kevin Smith - Engineer
Ed Thacker - Engineer
Jerry Tubb - Mastering
Todd V. Wolfson - Photography


Strong Woman
Once upon a time...She's a career-minded woman
No time to stop
Climbing the ladder all the way to the top
He's watching her struggle
And he tries to understand
Why a woman has to juggle
Twice as much as a man
She's a strong-minded woman
He's a gentle man

She's off to work by six
And packs Byron a lunch
She makes every single move on an intuitive hunch
She kisses him goodbye
As she lets go of his hand
Working towards the dream
Of a vacation that they planned
She's a strong-minded woman
He's a gentle man

She's a strong-minded woman
He's a gentle man

He's made her favorite dinner
But she's too absorbed
Her mind is on tomorrow
And a meeting with the board

She's a strong, strong woman
She's a strong, strong woman
She's a strong, strong woman
And he's a gentle man

Well, she brings home the bacon
He fries it up in a pan
His friends all call him crazy,
Call him a "house husband"
He wouldn't change his place
In this liberated land
Helps her succeed in every way that he can
She's a strong-minded woman
He's a gentle man

She's happy that she found him
And yet they both agree
A job has no gender
In a world of equality

A strong, strong woman
She's a strong, strong woman
She's a strong, strong woman
And he's a gentle man

I don't wanna hear it
How she broke your heart
I don't wanna hear it
How she glows in the dark
I don't wanna hear it
How she did you wrong
I don't wanna hear it
How you couldn't be strong

Take your laundry bag
And get out of my life
Take all of your trash
And go back to your pretty wife

I ain't no dumptruck

I don't wanna hear it
How you really want me
I don't wanna hear it
How she set you free

Take your laundry bag
And get out of my life
Take all of your trash
And go back to your pretty wife

I ain't no dumptruck
I ain't no dumptruck

Yes, she's so good for you
She'll give you what you need...
But not me.
I aint no dumptruck

I don't wanna hear it
Wake up and see the light
I don't wanna hear it
So good luck... good riddance...
Good night!

Take your laundry bag
And get out of my life
Take all of your trash
And go back to your pretty wife

I ain't no dumptruck
I ain't no dumptruck

Secrets of Love II
Do you know something
I don't know?
Your mysterious smile...
Your eyes, all aglow?
The secrets of love
Are inviting me in
And this time, I think they might win

Look at history
The books full of clues
Some lovers win, some lovers lose
The secrets of love
Are inviting me in
And this time, I think they might win

The Leaning Tower of Pisa
The string pout on Mona Lisa
Lovers stood and questioned these
I'm beginning to see
That answers
With the greatest of ease

Shakespeare's sonnets
Cyrano's nose
Mean so much more
As our love grows
The secrets of love
Are inviting me in
And this time, I think they might win
And this time, I think they're gonna win

Baby, It's Cold Outside
I really can't stay
But baby, it's cold outside
I've got to go 'way
But baby, it's cold outside
This evening has been
Been hoping that you'd drop in
So very nice
I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice
My mother will start to worry
Beautiful, what's your hurry?
My father will be pacing the floor
Listen to the fireplace roar
So, really, I'd better scurry
Beautiful, please don't hurry
Well, maybe just a half a drink more
Put some Stan Getz on while I pour

The neighbors might think...
But baby, it's bad out there
Say, what's in this drink?
You're not gonna get a taxi in this weather, lady...
I wish I knew how
Your eyes, they're like stars...
To break this spell
I'll take your hat, and your hair looks good too
I ought to say no, no, no, sir
Mind if I move in closer?
At least I'm gonna say that I tried
What's the point in hurting my pride?
I really can't stay
Baby, don't hold out
Baby, it's cold outside

I simply must go
But baby, it's cold out there
The answer is no
Whoo! Brrrr!
Your welcome has been
How fortunate for me that you should drop in...
So nice and warm
at such an odd hour.
My sister will be suspicious
Gosh, your lips look so delicious
My brother will be at the door
Like waves upon the tropical beaches
My maiden aunt's mind is vicious
Gee, your lips taste pretty good, too
Well, maybe just a cigarette more

I've got to get home
Baby, you'd freeze out there!
Say, lend me your comb
It's up to your... knees out there
You've really been grand
Oh, I'm thrilled when you touch my hand
Oh, don't you see
Why would you want to do this to me?
There's bound to be talk tomorrow
Think of my lifelong sorrow
At least, there will be plenty implied
Think of the guilt on your mind if I caught pneumonia and died
I really can't stay
Don't hold out
Baby, it's cold outside

Hey! Where could you be goin'
When the wind is blowin'
And it's cold, cold, cold outside?

Baby, it's cold outside!

Everyone's Gone to the Moon
Streets full of people
All alone
Rows full of houses
Never home
Church full of singing
Out of tune
Everyone's gone to the moon

Hands full of money
All in debt
Eyes full of sorrow
Never wet
Sun coming up
In the middle of June
Everyone's gone to the moon
Everyone's gone to the moon

Long time ago
Life had begun
Everyone went to the sun

Everyone's gone to the moon
Everyone's gone to the moon

Long time ago
Life had begun
Everyone went to the sun

Cars full of motors
Painted green
Mouths full of chocolate
Covered creams
Arms that could only
Lift a spoon
Everyone's gone to the moon
Everyone's gone to the moon

Nobody Wants to Go to the Moon Anymore
I don't know a soul that wants to visit the moon
That bruise in the sky, that busted balloon
A big rotten egg trashing up the sky
A red-faced drunk with a hundred black eyes
And nobody wants to go to the moon anymore

Nobody climbs on that big rocketship
They've all heard the stories of the turbulent trip
The truckstop's abandoned, the cook broke the grill
They kicked out the windows
Tainted each thrill
And nobody wants to go the moon anymore

Your mother sailed to the moon on her senior trip
You were a sprout in time, a smile on her lips
She blew all her money the very first day
On a fist full of trinkets your grandma threw away

And nobody wants to see the stars that were cast
Those black and white movies, the scenes from the past
The drive-in's deserted, every speaker's been tossed
The projector caught fire, every last frame was lost
And nobody wants to go
Nobody wants to go to the moon anymore

Your father found work, he was raised on the midway
He hustled toys night and day
Kissed all the girls, won 'em all teddy bears
Woke up with love in his pockets... and gum in his hair

Oh, I don't know a soul that wants to visit the moon
A dream left forgotten, it was conquered too soon
Why waste your stamp on a postcard so cheap?
Why take a step for mankind when the world's at your feet?
And nobody wants to go
Nobody wants to go
Nobody wants to go to the moon anymore

Satin Sheets for Alice
They bought satin sheets for Alice
Teacups, towels and potpourri
She was drunk on wild green punch
And thoughts of her wedding day
I was a stranger among friends
A crack along the line
I guess I just stepped into a world without time
And I don't understand
How a woman and a man fall in love

Renee and I used to talk of love
She knew all the songs I'd written
And what the words were of
Then she met up with a boy
Who took her for a ride
He took away the words
And left the pain inside
And I don't understand
How a woman and a man fall in love

But, then I met you
Eyes bluer than the sky
You were smiling at the fences
And asking yourself why
You couldn't find another
To take away your tears
And I was hoping
I could hide my own fears
But now I understand
How a woman and a man fall in love

Rosie's Theme
Climbing your way to the top of the world
You smile to yourself, 'cause you're knowing
Life is showing
All the good sides
And now, it's up to you

After a while it doesn't seem so hard
You're hardly believing
You've been receiving
Love through all these trials

Someday you'll get where you're going
Someday you'll look back and then
You'll find the answers are walking with you
As each day begins

Let Me Take Your Picture
Rings of Saturn
Make patterns on my wall
The sun and the moon shake hands
As they pass each other in the hall
Jump out of bed
To peek at the world

Let me take your picture
Let me take your picture
Let me take your picture
Let me take your picture

One big peeping tom
Keep on taking snapshots
Don't give me this right-from-wrong crap
We're both as classy as your momma's nail polish
I don't read the papers
It's all bad news

Let me take your picture
Let me take your picture
Let me take your picture
Let me take your picture

Hey! Where You Goin'?
Hey! Where you goin'?
Why don't you stop and talk to me?
Hey! Where you goin'?
You're always in such a great big hurry
Hey! Where you goin'?
Why don't you stop this messin' with me?
Hey! Where you goin'?
You're full of too much hostility
I can love you if you let me near
You've got too much stuff on your mind
I've got you on my...
I can love you... I'd really, really love to
Make you sit and relax for a while

Don't worry about the dirty clothes
Heave 'em in a corner, throw them in the air
They'll land in separate piles
Relax... relax... relax...
You're getting sleepy... now

Hey! Where you goin'?
I didn't say we were history
Hey! Where you goin'?
Just because another boy decided to kiss me
Who made you king, god, guru?
Gave you the title of ownership?
It's my body, I share it with you
But I'll give you a well-intentioned tip:

Let me love you
I'd really, really love to
Don't throw us away, don't destroy this home
Don't unlock what's in the freezer, that's dead skin...
On bones...

Hey! Where you goin'?
Aren't you even gonna say goodbye?
Hey! Where you goin'?
Take these coins, take my last sigh
You can drop me like a high kick
But I'm not pancake made of rubber and glue
You're gonna miss me
I know you'll miss me
I'll bet you already do

Pass the syrup
Moving forward
I'm on the next empty plate
But I still wish I had you
Still wish I had you
Oh, still wish I had you

Pick up the phone
Give me a call
I can't believe you don't want to talk to me at all

Grandma's Featherbed
After supper we'd sit around the fire,
the old folks would spit and chew
Pa would talk about the farm and the war
and gran'd sing a ballad or two.
I'd sit and listen and watch the fire
till the cobwebs filled my head
Next thing I'd know I'd wake up in the morning
in the middle of the old feather bed.

It was nine feet high and six feet wide
and soft as a downy chick
It was made from the feathers of fourty 'leven geese
took a whole bolt of cloth for the tick
It could hold eight kids and four hound dogs
and a piggy we stole from the shed
We didn't get much sleep but we had a lot of fun
on grandma's feather bed.

False Pretenses
What did you think you'd do the next time our eyes met?
Did you think you would hide your head?
Did you think someone would come over to my house and sweep away all those little things that you said?
When the showers of loneliness rain down cold upon you, remember that you rue no fences
And when you find another, don't forget to find them shelter under false pretenses

You didn't send mixed signals, you sent me a light that was quite clearly green
And you didn't bend the truth, you just wrapped it 'round the same finger you wrapped me
So when you find another who has, momentarily, taken leave of his senses
He may join your collection if you give him protection under false pretenses

So many times I believed those loving lies in your eyes
And though I try not to cry when I learn I've been deceived

Maybe now that we're apart you'll stop and think
To tell the truth
Or do you still take the stand, bleeding heart in hands, crying, "what's the use?"
And when, long at last, that fateful day has passed, you're found guilty of your offenses
Maybe then you'll discover to quit running for cover of your false pretenses
Oh, maybe then you'll discover to quite running for cover of your false pretenses

I Want to Go Swimming in Your Eyes
I want to go swimming in your eyes
But I don't know how to swim
I could use your nose as a diving board
Do a double flip right in

And at night, do you dream
Any water, any fins
Should I get involved?
Brand new suit, just for you

I want to go swimming in your eyes
But I don't know how to swim
I could use your nose as a diving board
Do a double flip right in

Feel abstract, like I could float
Around you all day
Drop the anchor, pass the oil
Your smile gives me a tan... you're such a guy!

Let's paddle around Cape Cod
Wave like Miss America to the other boys
I kiss your fingers and you throw your head back
Laughing like a god...

I want to go swimming in your eyes
I want to go swimming in your eyes
I want to go swimming in your eyes
I want to go swimming in your eyes

Zippity Doo-Dah
Sunny day
Everything's A-OK
Happy neighborhood
That's where I've been...

Zippity doo-dah, zippity-ay
My, oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine heading my way
Zippity doo-dah, zippity-ay

Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder
It's the truth -- it's actual
Everything is satisfactual
Zippity doo-dah, zippity-ay
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day

Zippity doo-dah, zippity-ay
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine heading my way
Zippity doo-dah, zippity-ay

Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder
It's the truth -- it's actual
Everything is satisfactual
Zippity doo-dah, zippity-ay
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day

Sunny day
Everything's A-OK
Happy neighborhood
That's where I've been...
Tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street
How to get to Sesame Street

I Think I Love You
I'm sleeping
And right in the middle of a good dream
Like, all at once I wake up
From something that keeps knocking at my brain
Before I go insane
I put my pillow to my head
And jump up in my bed
Screaming out the words I dread:
"I think I love you!"
"I think I love you!"

This morning, I woke up with this feeling
I didn't know how to deal with
And so I just decided to myself
I'd hide it to myself
And never talk about it
But did not go and shout it
When you walked into the room.
"I think I love you!"
"I think I love you!"

I think I love you
So what am I so afraid of?
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
A love there is no cure for
I think I love you
Isn't that what life is made of?
Though it worries me to say
I've never felt this way

I don't know what I'm up against
I've got so much to figure out
I don't know what it's all about
Hey . . .

I think I love you
So what am I so afraid of?
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
A love there is no cure for
I think I love you
Isn't that what life is made of?
Though it worries me to say
I've never felt this way

Believe me
You really don't have to worry
I only want to make you happy
And if you say, "hey, go away," I will
But I think better still
I better stay around and love you
Do you think I have a case?
Let me ask you to your face:
"I think I love you..."
"Do you think you love me, too?"

I think I love you
So what am I so afraid of?
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
A love there is no cure for
I think I love you
Isn't that what life is made of?
Though it worries me to say
I've never felt this way

I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you

I think I hate you
I think I hate you
C'mere and let me hate you
I really think I hate you
You make me sick
I think I hate you
Ooh, I think I hate you
Come here and let me, let me hate you
I think I hate you. . .

I love you.

Take Me With You
Clock is ticking somewhere down the hall
Candle playing shadows on the wall
Echoes of my life with you
I hear my heartbeat calling

Sixty years was not enough for me
To show how much our love has grown to be
Now I see you dying to be
Free I want to follow

There's so many reasons why
I love you,
I can't say goodbye

Take me with you, take me when you go
Take me with you, take me when you go
Take me with you, take me when you go
Take me with you, take me when you go
When you go

Found a way to laugh when life seemed black
Travelled to the stars and brought them back
Take the lead, you'll leave a crack
A crack in this foundation

Every precious memory
Will carry me
Don't say goodbye

Take me with you, take me when you go
Take me with you, take me when you go
Take me with you, take me when you go
Take me with you, take me when you go
When you go

The hills are covered with the riches of your land
So when I reach the city, it's so hard to understand
The silent ruins of a twisted-hearted man
Oh, oh, Romania

The streets aren't streets of gold, but swirling clouds of clay
Behind the bars of cribs I've seen the children play
My heart is heavy with what I've witnessed here today
Oh, oh, Romania
Ah, Romania

Oh, where are the gentle eyes to watch over you?
Who holds you to their breast to sing you through the night?
What can one person do to set these wrongs to right?
Oh, oh, Romania
Ah, Romania

Each face a human face, how easy we forget
The suffering we could end before another day's sunset
Mothers calling out all over the world
Oh, Romania
Ah, Romania

Oh, where are the gentle eyes to watch over you?
Who holds you to their breast to sing you through the night?
What can one person do to set these wrongs to right?
Oh, oh, Romania
Oh, Romania

Oh, Somalia...
Oh, South Korea...
Oh, India...
Oh, North Korea...
Oh, China...
Oh, Africa...
Oh, South America...
Oh, Bosnia...
Oh, Romania...

Like a Collar on a Dog
And when you look around, what do you see?
Nothing but empty spaces, free
Don't you know by now
What you want to be?

Let me tell you now, I think
You are eternally lost
You have listened to advice
But forgotten about the cost
Do you need me so badly?
Like a collar on a dog

Well, I gave you everything I could
I took you out into the world and I
Taught you how to dance
Showed you where the flowers grew
But you passed up the chance

And in the morning
Will you miss me when I'm gone?
Will you cry into the mirror, ask yourself just what went wrong?
Can you face the day
Knowing you're a fool?

Whoa, Wake up!
Perk up, you precious puppy
Wake up!
The gate is open!

Wake up!
Buck up, you precious puppy
Wake up!
The gate is open!

Well, I gave you everything I could
I took you out into the world and I
Taught you how to dance
Showed you where the flowers grew
But you passed up the chance

And in the morning
Will you miss me when I'm gone?
Will you cry into the mirror, ask yourself just what went wrong?
Can you face the day
Knowing you're the fool?

Wake up, wake up!

Radiation Man
he came in a flying saucer...
he landed in the middle of the day in the middle of the
little town

oh, the silver side door opened
with a whoosh ping-pang klunk kind of sound
people were running around
they were giant ants
lost within their own reaction

out came a shining silver man...
silver feet, silver head, silver manicured hands
as he opened his eyes... he smiled with surprise at the sight before him

without meaning any harm....he eagerly waved "hello!"
but as he did he released a radioactive glow...

radiation man...aah...radiation man...aah...radiation man...aah.
is having a bad day day day day day day day
having a bad day

well, the swarthy head honcho of this town
was the minister of caffeine
the minister was shocked when his secretary burst into the office, screaming:
"it's judgement day... and Satan's wearing silver!"
they rushed outside to see... an insane scene from a picture show
a silver saucer and a silver man... and bodies on the ground still smoking
"my God, what is this?!" he cried...
"look at my people, they've all been fried!!!"

radiation man...aah...radiation man...aah...radiation man...aah.
is having a bad day day day day day day day
having a bad day

well, the minister ran back inside... he had to think for awhile while he had to hide
he rang up his sister, irene.... a down to earth woman with the endowments of a homecoming queen
irene raced frantically down to the climatic square, where
dead as the beat of a clock
her eyes locked on a silver hunk of man....

now, this is what the space man saw... a multi-colored, multi-stacked human package
he whistled loud and he whistled low... irene turned as red as a christmas bow...
irene's heart fluttered in time
to her lovely lashes
but the spaceman's kiss turned irene's blissful body
pile of

radiation man...aah...radiation man...aah...radiation man...aah.
is having a bad day day day day day day day
having a bad day

now if you travel in space
for business or pleasure or to visit an alien race
just remember this tale of woe
for as i have mentioned
you could be well-intentioned
you could be the foe
simply by saying, "hello!"
yes, you could be the foe....

radiation man...aah...radiation man...aah...radiation man...aah.
is having a bad day day day day day day day
having a bad day

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